Our references comes from having participate in national and European research projects, as well as to have signed important agreements with public or research entities in all the areas of our business:

Noise and land use planning
- Strategic noise mapping and action plan for the city of Livorno, in collaboration with Sintesis srl;
- Strategic noise mapping for the city of Rome, in collaboration with the Physics Department of theUniversity of Pisa;
- Noise Mapping and Action Plans for 12 Turkish cities, along with the training of the personnel of thegovernmental organizations in the field of environmental noise management in order to support the implementation of the Directive 49/2002 / EC. European project EuropeAid / 131352 / D / SER / TR in partnership with Inerco.
- Road traffic noise map of the Municipality of Rome by means of specific noise model applied to the maximum traffic flows in the rush hours. Consequently, the map has been used to characterize the daily and night noise exposition of citizens for the purpose of epidemiological studies of DEP-Lazio.
- Strategic noise mapping for the Port of Livorno, in collaboration with the Physics Department of theUniversity of Pisa;

Road traffic noise
- Acoustic characterization through CPX method of low-noise road surfaces made with rubber powder derivedfrom PFU. The pavements can be located in urban or suburban areas or motorway. Framework Convention with Ecopneus scpa;
- Acoustic characterization through SPB method of low-noise road surfaces in collaboration with the Province of Bolzano;
- Acoustic characterization of low-noise road surfaces within the project "LEOPOLDO 2", funded by the Tuscany Region in collaboration with the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Pisa.
Building acoustics
Within a contract with the Institute of Clinical Physiology of the CNR and ARPA Emilia Romagna, buildings acoustic measurements and outdoor environmental noise pollution were conducted at eight schools in various cities in Italy: in Naples, San Miniato (PI), Ravenna, Taranto
The measurements were carried out under the LIFE + Environment Policy and Governance project (LIFE13 ENV / IT / 000225) GIOCONDA (“the young are valuable in decisions on Environment and Health”), which began in June 2014 and will finish in November 2016. The measurements aims at the complete description of the acoustic characteristics of the school environment..

Aircraft and railway noise
Acoustic monitoring activities by means of long-term outdoor and short-term indoor measurements wereconducted for research activities in the assessment of the population exposed to:
Railway noise emitted by the train transits or from specific sources (noise station, squeal noise, noise from equipment, whistles, etc.) on order of the Institute of clinical Physiology of the CNR in Pisa;
Aircraft noise from the "Galileo Galilei" airport . The measurements have been performed at citizens formerly living close to the track and then at the new habitations where the population is gradually transferred. These activities are carried out to assessment of the effects of noise on sleep and annoyance within the Research Project of University (PRA 2015) as part of an existing contract awarded by the Inter-Institutional Integrated Department of the University of Pisa.

Acoustic materials
- Sound absorption measurements with the impedance tube of road pavements samples for NeXT Ltd. and Appalti Engineering Srl.
Noise and health
As part of the research project of IPCF-CNR and Department of Biology of the University of Pisa "NOISE, noise and air pollution from road traffic and the incidence of coronary and cerebrovascular events in three Italian cohort", it was carried out the development and calculation of the LUR model (Land use Regression) for NO2 pollutant in Pisa's municipal area using a geographic information system (GIS).