Calls Won
Call financed by the Ministry of Education, University and Research, CRUI Foundation for Italian Universities and Confindustria.
The project provides for the co-financing for the permanent hiring of a research doctor for the study and evaluation of rolling noise with particular reference to low sound emission flooring.

Call financed by the Ministry of Education, University and Research, CRUI Foundation for Italian Universities and Confindustria.
The project provides for the co-financing for the permanent hiring of a research doctor for the study and evaluation of rolling noise with particular reference to low sound emission flooring.

Call financed by Coldiretti (National Confederation of Direct Growers) CRUI Foundation (Conference of Italian University Rectors), MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research)
The project provides for the co-financing for the permanent hiring of a research doctor for the study and evaluation of noise and vibrations on farms.

Life 2018 call financed by the European Commission
The project involves the development of low-emission tires for electric vehicles, with laboratory and field tests on floors optimized for these vehicles and determination of their acoustic parameters to be used in the CNOSSOS reference model at European level for the estimation of sound levels to the receptors.

National project co-financed by the Tuscany Region
The project provided for the funding of two research grants for PhDs in physics in order to develop a mobile laboratory capable of carrying out multiple measurements for the acoustic characterization of a pavement and georeferencing the results.