Press & News

Firenze, ecco l’asfalto mangia-rumore: un progetto europeo
progetto europeo LIFE E-VIA (Electric vehicle noise control by assesment and optimisation of tyre/road interacition)
Florence, 7 July 2019 - The road that swallows the sick decibels of engines, cars and buses that run away muffled, almost cutting a piece of velvet with invisible scissors. A dream? Yes. But Florence can now make at least a small piece. In two words: sound absorbing asphalt. With them, the city launches the new challenge to noise thanks to a European tender in which the Environment Department of Palazzo Vecchio participated […]. (link)

I risultati di uno studio sul rumore nei canali di Livorno
Green report (valutazione del rumore di piccole imbarcazioni per la pianificazione acustica di città portuali con canali)
The study "Noise Assessment of Small Vessels for Action Planning in Canal Cities" published in Environments by a team of researchers from Ipool, University of Pisa and Arpat (Marco Bernardini, Luca Fredianelli, Francesco Fidecaro, Paolo Gagliardi, Marco Nastasi and Gaetano Licitra) , tackles the problem of noises in port areas and has the canals of Livorno as a case study […] . (link)

Rilevamento di rumori e emissioni ambientali in porto
A 360-degree survey campaign to assess the emissions of commercial and passenger ships. The goal: to have a broad and updated knowledge framework on the environmental and acoustic status in the port. To promote the initiative, the Port System Authority of the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea, which a few months ago activated an agreement with Arpat as part of an agreement with the Tuscany Region […]. (link)

The Case for a Fire Safety Strategy
With at least 5000 fire incidents occurring each day in Europe, fire safety in buildings is a major societal and safety issue. However, there is no coordinated approach to fire prevention and response across Member States, and fire safety is not yet part of the equation of EU policy-making. This means that European citizens do not have the same chances of survival when a building catches fire [...] . (link)

Il benessere acustico in un aula scolastica
Studio-indagine valutazione impatto acustico in ambiente scolastico
The study-survey involved children aged between 11 and 17 distributed in four areas along the national territory in order to understand the different social and economic characteristics necessary to obtain results for the construction of a versatile tool that can be used in more reality. The areas concerned were those of Naples, Taranto, Ravenna and some municipalities of the lower Valdarno […]. (link)
Le performance acustiche delle pavimentazioni con polverino di gomma da PFU
Ecopneus promotes numerous research activities to evaluate the acoustic performance of pavements containing rubber dust in the asphalt resulting from End of Life Tires. Among these, the research projects carried out by the Institute of Chemical and Physical Processes of the CNR (National Research Council) and by its spin-off iPOOL s.r.l. have the aim of acoustically characterizing floors containing rubber dust, evaluating their performance over time [...]. (link)
Ecomondo 2016: gli asfalti derivanti da PFU abbattono il rumore del traffico di 5 decibel
A reduction in vehicle traffic noise by about 5 decibels. This is what was found on a stretch of the Via Marecchiese in Rimini, built during the year with asphalt made of recycled rubber from ELTs, recovering 1200 tires that have reached the end of their life. During the conference "Greener, quieter and more durable asphalts: the results of recent Italian experiences" organized by Ecopneus on the occasion of Ecomondo 2016, the numbers given by the measurements were illustrated [...]. (link)
Polvere di gomma dentro l’asfalto: a Rimini l’esperimento per ridurre il rumore sulle strade
The environmental impact produced by cars is not caused only by their exhaust gases: in fact there is also a more subtle and underestimated enemy, noise pollution. Traffic noise is an element with which those who live in large urban centers are confronted on a daily basis: the long-term solution, once again, seems to be that of silent electric mobility. However, the asphalt with which the roads are built could also stem the problem [...]. (link)
Asfalto anti-rumore, -5 decibel con pavimentazione in gomma riciclata da pneumatici
A reduction in vehicle traffic noise by about 5 decibels. This is what was recorded, after scientific measurement, on a stretch of road of 7000 square meters in Rimini, made with the use of rubber powder derived from ELT. For the road pavement built in 2016 in via Marecchiese in Rimini with asphalt made of recycled rubber from ELTs, 1200 tires reached the end of their life were recovered. In this street, where traffic is very intense, investigations were carried out to evaluate the acoustic performance [...]. (link)
GIOCONDA al Congresso Internazionale Sound and Vibration di Atene
The LIFE + GIOCONDA project ((the YOUTH CONtano in Decisions on Environment and Health) participated for the second year in the International Sound and Vibration Congress, ICSV23, which was held in Athens from 11 to 14 July 2016, presenting the work done on noise in schools. We have already talked about the project, which proposes to public administrators to involve young citizens in the decision-making process to strengthen environmental and health policies: GIOCONDA: the word to children on environment and health - Il noise in schools [...]. (link)
Le raccomandazioni degli studenti su ambiente e salute
Students from schools in four Italian cities present proposals to the administrators of their cities to stay healthy in a healthy environment. They do this on the basis of air and noise monitoring data collected by experts in their area and comparing the results with those of a risk perception questionnaire. It happens today in Taranto, in recent months in Naples, San Miniato and Ravenna [...]. (link)
Rumore e inquinamento: l’effetto degli aeroporti sulla salute dei residenti
Environmental noise, in particular that of airport origin, is a relatively little studied risk factor that can have important repercussions on the health of exposed people. It is estimated that in the high-income countries of Western Europe (about 340 million people) every year at least one million DALYs (Disability-Adjusted Life Years) are lost due to environmental noise. A recent review by Basner et al. summarizes all the research conducted to date on the effects of noise [...]. (link)