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Thanks to the mobile laboratory, equipped with class 1 equipment, IPOOL S.r.l. performs measurement campaigns aimed at evaluating and characterizing the acoustic performance of road paving, in urban, extra-urban and motorway contexts, based on the methods:

  • CPX (Close-Proximity method) according to ISO / DIS 11819-2. The method is widespread in Europe and makes it possible to evaluate at the source (pneumatic-pavement contact) the emission of rolling noise due to the acoustic characterization of a low noise impact flooring;

  • SPB (Statistical Pass-By) according to ISO 11819-1. The method estimates the influence of the acoustic characteristics of a pavement by evaluating the resulting roadside noise. The technique based on the analysis of many events, allows to describe with the same index different flooring, even if placed on roads affected by different traffic flows;

  • CPB (Controlled Pass-By) according to the French standard NF S 31 119-2. The method evaluates the acoustic characteristics of a pavement evaluating the noise produced on the roadside. The analysis measurement protocol is similar to the SPB method, but instead of using real traffic, it uses only the transits of specific vehicles driven at a speed controlled by the operator.

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Positioning of the two microphones in the CPX size

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Example of transit during the CPX measurement

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Positioning of the two microphones in the SPB size

Acquired experiences of particular thickness:

Acoustic characterization with the CPX method of low noise impact flooring in 32 sites in the Italian regions of Trentino Alto Adige, Lombardy, Piedmont, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Lazio, Puglia and Sardinia. The floors are made with rubber powder derived from ELTs and located in urban, extra-urban and motorway areas, within the framework of the framework agreement with Ecopneus;

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grafico controllo prestazioni acustiche.

Example of a CPX measurement result

Acoustic characterization with the SPB method of low-emission floors in collaboration with the Province of Bolzano;

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Example of a SPB measurement result

Acoustic characterization with the CPX and CPB method of road paving in the port of Cagliari for the RUMBLE project - Reduction du bruit dans les grandes villes portuaires dans maritime cross-border program;

Linear regressions between maximum sound level and travel speed in the CPB method "

Acoustic characterization with the CPX and CPB method of road paving in the port of Portoferraio (LI) for the RUMBLE project - Reduction du bruit dans les grandes villes portuaires dans maritime cross-border program;

Linear regressions between maximum sound level and speed dipercorrenza in the CPB method
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