IPOOL S.r.l. it is able to carry out measurements of the texture of the road profile and measurements of mechanical impedance of the road surface.
Measurements of the texture of the road profile
IPOOL S.r.l. it is able to carry out macro and mega-weaving measurements using a laser triangulation sensor compliant with the ISO 13473-series specifications and which allows measurements of road profiles without causing alterations to the normal circulation of traffic.
The developed software allows the verification of the spatial homogeneity of the texture levels, of the MPD (Mean Profile Depth) and of the IRI (International Roughness Index).
Mobile laboratory with the instrumentation for the CPX measurements and the laser for measuring the texture of the road profile
Detail of the laser for measurements of the texture of the road profile
Example of MPD acquisition
Example of MPD acquisition
Acquired experiences of particular thickness:
Measurement of road weaving in the port of Cagliari for the RUMBLE project - Reduction du bruit dansles grandes villes portuaires dans le transboundary maritime program; "
Measurement of road weaving in the port of Portoferraio (LI) for the RUMBLE project - Reduction du bruit dans les grandes villes portuaires dans cross-border maritime program; "
Measurements of the texture of the road profile
iPOOL S.r.l. it can perform mechanical impedance measurements of the road surface, which is measured through a procedure that uses an instrumented hammer and an accelerometer firmly anchored on the surface to be investigated.
The impedance of the pavement is derived by relating the force applied by the hammer to the speed of vibration of the surface, in turn derived from the acceleration measured with the accelerometer.
The aforementioned procedure was developed based on the standards:
UNI EN 12697-26: 2012 (Bituminous mixtures - Test methods for hot bituminous conglomerates - Part 26: Stiffness).
EN 29052-1: 1992 (Acoustics - Determination of dynamic stiffness - Part 1: Materials used under floating floors in dwellings).
Application example