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Noise & Health: “Inquinamento acustico ed atmosferico da traffico stradale e l’incidenza di eventi coronarici e cerebrovascolari in tre studi di coorte italiani

iPOOL S.r.l. carried out the acoustic mapping of the noise produced by the road infrastructure and the characterization of the exposure of the diurnal and nocturnal population of the Municipality of Rome for epidemiological purposes. Italian project carried out by the Department of Epidemiology of the Regional Health Service of Lazio.

iPOOL S.r.l. has also developed and calculated the LUR (Land Use Regression) model of the NO2 pollutant in the municipality of Pisa for IPCF-CNR and the Department of Biology of the University of Pisa.

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Map of road noise produced by the peak daytime flow in Rome.

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Detail of the road noise map produced by the diurnal peak flow in Rome. Ascari, E., Licitra, G., Ancona, C., Badaloni, C., Mattei, F., & Gagliardi, P. (2017, June). Noise pollution from road traffic noise in Rome: incidence of coronary and cardiovascular events. In Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 173EAA (Vol. 30, No. 1, p. 040008). ASA.

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LUR of Pisa of the NO2 pollutant

iPOOL S.r.l.     -     CF/P.IVA 01784280479

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